I read an article on my favourite online magazine the other day, about Alicia Keys becoming more confident in her own skin and I was ecstatic! I can't emphasize how much I love reading about this rather than the next nudie that's breaking the internet.
She addresses a tough topic that we can all relate to, so I didn't even think twice about sharing it on facebook. A split conversation began in the post's comments, which I was happy about. People were reading it and had something to say! What I wasn't 100% happy about, was that I was a bit misunderstood. I guess some women took it as an attack on wearing makeup in general, but that is not why I shared the story. Frankly, it could've been anyone's story and I would have shared it regardless! I just LOVED the message and what I took away from it.
Sharing this wasn't actually about makeup for me at all. I enjoy the occasional dolling up just like the next woman! My sharing this story was actually for the bigger picture: insecurity in general and overcoming it in our own unique ways. Also, I never wanted anyone to compare their situation with hers--we shouldn't be comparing ourselves to anyone (except our old selves!), in the first place! Try to fight the urge to compare. I just wanted to share an encouraging story of bravery and overcoming that critical inner voice.
Insecurity, like cancer, doesn't discriminate. I agree that Miss Keys is gorgeous at any time of the day, but these are our own opinions of her. No amount of money or fame could change how she felt about herself. She does have more admirers and opportunities than your average woman but it doesn't mean her insecurities were any easier to fight. She had a journey, unique from ours and she is still journeying. Insecurity is anyone's battle and writing/singing about it is all that Alicia Keys can do for us. What we do with what she shares is up to us, right?
"I don't want to cover up anymore. Not my face, not my mind, not my soul, not my thoughts, not my dreams, not my struggles, not my emotional growth. Nothing!" ~Alicia Keys
You can read the full article here.