I met Lisa at one of her Post Calligraphy workshops held at The Paper Place one evening. I loved every minute of it--her warmth as a person, her teaching style, the sweet treats and the shopping we got to do at the shop after (at a discounted price)!
Lisa inspired me to go back and work on my penmanship and to write beautiful notes by hand. Sometimes, as a graphic designer, it's too easy to design something on the iMac. There's always a yearning to create with my bare hands, but time and convenience usually stop me from making the space and getting all the tools out. It also takes patience with me, to get something perfect done by hand.
Thanks to Lisa and her gorgeous work, I want to start creating my own stationery for years to come! (Announcing my intentions here to make myself accountable :P) Once you've seen her calligraphy, it's hard to ignore. Every time I see it on my instagram feed, I'm reminded of my time with her and all the things I will create.
I got in touch with her after the workshop for an interview and she graciously accepted <3 Here she is, in a few words!
Try describing yourself in 3 words
Passionate, dreamer, loyal
What's your morning routine like?
Stretch, feed the cats, coffee and newspaper.
What are you most grateful for today?
I am most grateful for my kids.
Name someone you truly appreciate and why:
I truly appreciate my father and am grateful for having had him in my life. I appreciate now how confident he was in me and my talent and now how he guides me in everything from everywhere.
Why did you start your own business?
I started my business because I felt I had something to offer. I wanted to join the ranks of all the others out there contributing in some form, to help bring out the beauty in this world.
Do you have a mantra or MO?
My mantra:
Who is your muse or style crush?
I don't really have a style crush but admire the styles of Audrey Hepburn, Lauren Hutton, Georgia O'Keefe, Diane Keaton.
What are your favourite places/stores to shop?
I don't have a favourite place but I like to shop at antique fairs and markets for unique pieces for home. For clothes I mix it up between Oak + Fort, Holts, Aritzia and various shops around the city!
Please share with us the last place you traveled to. People often say that travel is a teacher. Did you learn anything from your last trip?
The last trip I took was to the Amalfi coast. I learn from travel to always be in the moment and be grateful for the opportunities that being in another country with another culture affords.
Describe your signature look:
I think my signature look is feminine androgyny!
What fuels your fire? What gives you courage?
In life, being a mom gives me courage. Artistically, being in any museum, anywhere in the world fuels my fire.
Recall the last time you were outside of your comfort zone and how you handled it.
When I was first asked to do a larger scale job it became apparent I would have to work on site. As an artist, I am used to working alone, in my own space. I wasn't comfortable working with potentially a few eyes on me watching/judging what I was doing! As it turned out, I just needed to get down to the task at hand, put on my headphones and worry about myself! I had a deadline, and I needed to get it done and as it turned out, no one was the least bit interested in what I was doing; everyone else had their own job and their own deadline!
Name a woman you admire the most. What do you admire about her?
I would say I admire Patti Smith the most as an authentic artist and as a true original. She is devoted to her work and isn't swayed by public opinion. She stays true.
Name one thing you feel is misunderstood about you.
Because I tend to be shy and an introvert at times, that has been mistaken for standoffish-ness.
Please share your favourite life hack:
A bobby pin upside down has better grip.
What do you love most about your job?
I love creating something for a client who loves what I do and I nail it!
What do you do to keep stress at bay? What do you do to unwind?
To de-stress I do Pilates and meditate. Sometimes I watch no-brainer tv and just veg.
List one thing you do everyday to build your business:
I try to post work on Instagram every day to stay updated for potential clients since that's where most of my work comes from.
What is your favourite place in Toronto and why:
My favourite place in Toronto to stay grounded is walking on the sand in the Beach. My favourite place in Toronto to awaken inspiration is the AGO.
Please share with us your last act of kindness.
My last act of kindness was to unload my mother's neighbour's groceries for her (but really so small in the scheme of things!)
Name something you forgive yourself for:
I try to remember to forgive myself for my insecurities.
Recall a moment when you felt accomplished and/or proud.
Always proudest watching my kids evolve and grow into their kind, smart and talented selves.
What would you tell your 16-year-old self?
I would tell my 16 year old self to find confidence in her beauty and to find her voice sooner.
How do we follow you?
I'm only on Instagram: @postcalligraphy
You should go say hello, sign up for a workshop or follower her here!